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Chancel Choir Trivia Quiz With Answers

1. What special wedding did the choir sing at on April 12, 1980? John and Ruth Ward

2. Which current choir members planned and implemented the first choir Craft Fair, the primary fund raising event for the choir for more than 15 years? Gary and Charlotte Moser

3. What Chancel Choir member was the first person to hang a heart on the cross during Hanging of the Greens? What was she wearing? Joyce Lange in a clown suit

4. During a choir Christmas party at the home of Tom and Diane Lawrence, one of the white elephant gifts repeated a phrase from within it’s wrapped box. What did the object in the box keep repeating? "Let me out. Let me out. Let me out."

5. What three choir members discovered that limos are hard to find at 3 a.m. in Nashville?
Barb Barrett, Carole Allen, Moe Parisien

6. Who served as an interim director for 17 weeks after the departure of Tom Brown as choir director? Mike Latimer

7. By what title did Kevin refer to himself during his first year at Manchester? Golden Boy

8. What medical problem has plagued the Chancel Choir on its annual fall retreat?

9. What bass found a problem with the plumbing and remained lathered up for almost an hour at the new Revive Us Again conference center? Art Lemley

10. What was organist Dennis Bergan’s favorite piece to play at Easter Time? Seven Stations of the Cross

11. What year did the Chancel Choir begin providing weekly music for worship at Manchester United Methodist Church? 1953

12. Sue Woolweaver was called to the scene of the crash of TWA Flight 800 on Long Island, N.Y. What job did she have that made her needed there? Colunteer Services Coordinator for the American Red Cross

13. Some people believe the first trip to Nashville was the first official tour by the choir. But that isn’t true. Where did the choir go in 1989? Europe

14. Who was the first Chancel Choir director? Gus Bante

15. Chancel Choir members originally purchased their own robes. What year did the choir first begin wearing robes? 1957

16. How many directors has the Chancel Choir had? 8 Gus Bante, Cy Young, Brain Kane, Linda Hawk, Betty Gnaegy, Tom Brown, Mike Latimer and Kevin McBeth

17. Which three current choir members were the first Manchester people to interview each of the following people for the position of choir director: Betty Gnaegy, Tom Brown, Kevin McBeth?
Sue Sturhahn, Sue Belval, Gary Ford

18. For two years the church held Easter worship services at the recreation center in Queeny Park where more than 4,000 people worshipped each year. What two years were they held there?
1990 and 1991

19. What important Methodist conference was the choir invited to sing at in May 1988?
The 1988 Quadrennial Conference at the St. Louis Convention Center

20. In 1990, the Chancel Choir became the largest United Methodist Church choir in the state. How many members did it have? 114

21. What item mounted on a slab of marble served as the choir mascot during the 1980s? carburetor

22. How many applications were received to be Chancel Choir director when we hired Kevin? 96

23. What was the most unusual profession among the applications? electrical engineer

24. What Chancel Choir member has the greatest seniority? Fran McMillian who began singing since 1956

25. What former Chancel Choir member delivered singing telegrams? Linda Layman

26. In 1996, one choir member lost their home in an apartment fire. The choir raised money to help them. Who was it? Melissa Larsen

27. The current rehearsal time of 7:30 p.m. was adopted in 1997. But, for decades rehearsal began at what time? 8:00 p.m.

28. A total of 40 Chancel Choir members toured another church in St. Louis when it first opened. What church was it? The Morman Temple

29. What soprano ended up in the ER in Nashville after injuring a finger on a suit case? Rose Carlisle

30. Four members of the Chancel Choir failed to get off a subway in New York and were swept away to what distant destination? Brooklyn